I come from the crack of dawn
Boiling broth stewing over lit fire
mùi của sả, gừng, hành tím khô, tỏi, ớt bột, bột nêm, đường
I come from a leap in the dark
Wrinkled fingers held 26 gold nuggets
Eagerly pocketed for entry
On a boat to anywhere but here
Don’t stop ‘til you get to Canada 阿爺 said
Auntie and Uncle were the first to sail for all of us
*Excerpt from Roots, published in Living Hyphen

Artist statement:
I am interested in the influence of a single moment. The convergence of past, present, and future. How to embody the intricate interplay of these temporal dimensions. My artistic exploration spans various mediums, encompassing spoken word, poetry, visual arts, and movement. My work is dedicated to capturing and archiving the emotions and stories embedded in inquiries about identity, place, and culture.

Selected visual arts work:
Contact me here for performance or commission requests.